Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Save Money When You Buy Online

The easiest way to save money when you buy online is to do a Google search before you click that Purchase button. Let's say you're purchasing some supplies for an upcoming party at They have a lot of customizable products that could be great for a variety of uses. Anyways, let's say you have your products are in your online shopping cart and you're ready to check-out. Simply open a new browser or tab and Google "Zazzle coupon" and see what comes up. Usually a site called is one of the first ones to pop up on a Google search. At, you can see what the coupon is for ($10 off of $50 for instance), when the code was posted, when it was last successfully used and the rating from users.

Other ways to save include being signed up for discount deal emails from sites like Groupon, LivingSocial, AmazonLocal, etc.

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